Raised in a blue-collar mining town, M.O. Littles had no business wanting to be a hip‐hop star. Yet his passion for the art form flourished at a young age and he vowed to pursue music over a promising hockey career. It was then that he was struck with a near deadly case of Scarlett Fever and if it wasn’t for the inspiring tales of survival of Nas and Tupac, M.O. says he may not have made it. After a lengthy recovery, with his vigor renewed, M.O. has set out on a path for success. Letting no obstacle obstruct his vision, within a few short years, he has become one of Canada's most exciting artists.
With a knack for crafting catchy hooks and a seemingly non‐stop touring schedule, M.O.’s sheer determination has brought him to this point. Invitations to play some of musics most prestigious events; The R&B/Hip Hop Billboard Awards in Atlanta and CMW in Toronto to name a couple.
Tune in for "Rap By Night" and the Top 10 on Jamsterdam Radio to hear more from Toronto's own M.O. Littles.