Creed rocked out the Danforth Music Hall in Toronto on May 30th and what a great night it was. I can somewhat recollect hitting up a Creed show back in the early 2000's but was never a big fan. So when my friends (who are also die hard Creed fans) asked me if I wanted to go to the show 2 months prior I immediately declined. It was just a coincidence on the night of the show, that i was in touch with my good friend and Johnny Generic frontman Chad McBride who was on route to the show. I joined him along with a couple friends prior for a pint and asked the loitering scalpers their ticket prices. One guy quoted $100, and continued to barter his price down to $70 bucks for balcony seating. I declined, I wasn't willing to pay over $50 for Creed and besides the real purpose of going to the show was to hangout with my buddies. I continued to pace infront of the Danforth Music Hall in Toronto when I came across an older gentleman with just one ticket in his hand. His price was $50. I took his deal regardless of the seat location, without looking at the ticket I preceded inside the venue to meet up with my friends. I joined my buddies in their back row balcony seats and watched opening act Eve To Adam rock the house. For shits and giggles I figured i would go check out my purchased seat for the beginning of the Creed show. As i entered the floor seating, Creed began by opening with "Are you Ready". Passing row by row i continued on to row AA seat 11. Front Row Baby!! I stayed down there for 3 tracks and had the opportunity to record two minutes and 30 seconds of "What If" (see clip below). I met up with Chad in the lobby following the third song, gave him my ticket and told him he is going to cream his pants. Chad stayed down for a few songs before coming back up to the balcony to share the single ticket with our mates and a couple lucky ladies sitting infront of us. Twas a great night. Tune into Retarded Radio on Jamsterdam next Sunday at 5pm EST to catch clips from the night.
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